Keith Keller

Know more about us

We work closely and passionately with clients generate creative, practical ideas.

About Us

One Click 2 Ghana is a management consulting firm which blends international best practice and unique, home-grown, innovation to drive business success and development in Ghana. We work closely and passionately with clients to generate creative, practical ideas; implement those ideas; and connect with likeminded individuals and organizations to improve profit and impact.

Our Vision

To be leaders in providing excellence in customer care and service, and inspire life changing experiences for all through our products, values, commitment and networking.

Our Mission

We enable people and businesses in the Ghanaian community to thrive by connecting and providing simple yet effective solutions to their needs under one service point where commitment and customer service is at the pinnacle. We are especially interested in serving Africans in the diaspora, helping them to attain a stake in a propserous Ghanaian society.

Our Approach

We blend modern management principles and tools with traditional Ghanaian insights and local innovation. We particularly deploy the potency of the Design Thinking toolkit in our work. One Click utilizes experienced experts and young Ghanaians – this is deliberate. By working with us, your project benefits from world class knowledge and expertise while you help develop the next generation of professionals and leaders.